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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

You - The Next Millionaire

The Next Millionaire - there will be more than 10 million new millionaires in the United States alone in the next decade - a (more than) doubling of the number of millionaires and we are sure that much of this increase will be attributed to Intellect Marketing.

Given that the Australian economy tends to parallel the US economy to a large extent and the concept of Intellect Marketing is starting to blossom in this country, it is reasonable to foresee that Australia too can expect a millionaire population explosion of a similar proportion. If this is so, there could be 600,000 new millionaires in Australia in the next decade.

You have an opportunity to be one of them.

importantly, you have the opportunity to be one of the early adopters or pioneers of this new industry - one of the multi-millionaires!

In the same way that the industrial revolution created massive new wealth in the seventeenth century, today's visionaries predict that Intellect Marketing will cause another massive economic upheaval.

We will move from the cumbersome public and private sectors, to the creative, life-supporting, energetic Free Market sector.
